Sunday, July 31, 2011

Part Three

The first few days back were spent resting. A Rufous Hummingbird in the backyard on Wednesday July 27th was my 530th species for the year, Earlier that day a Great-horned Owl calling during the night was new for my yard list which inches ever closer to 100.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

End of Part Two

I arrived back in Flagstaff after spending 46 days in Malaysia and Thailand. Many days were spent at home; less than 2 weeks were really birding days. I saw 237 species in this time, of which only 4 had been seen earlier in the year in Arizona and California (Hose Sparrow, Rock Pigeon, Great Egret and Black-crowned Night-heron). This took my yearly total to 529 species with 107 lifers.

Germain's Swiftlets
Red-whiskered Bulbul
The Red-whiskered Bulbul shown above was seen inside the terminal at Hong Kong International Airport en route home.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Telapa Buruk

On Saturday July 23rd, I went with an MNS group to Telapa Buruk in Negeri Sembilan. We birded along the hill road in the morning with two perched Wreathed Hornbills being an early highlight. After lunch in Kampung Pantai we spent the afternoon armchair birding in Rafi and Angela's new house. I added 5 species for the year and two lifers to reach 519 and 116 lifers in 2011.

Yellow-vented Bulbul
Spotted Dove
Black-naped Oriole

Sunday, July 10, 2011


On Tuesday July 7th I traveled to Penang to see my friend Roger. I did not really bird but picked up two species that day, and a third on Wednesday July 8th for a total of 514,

Crested Myna
White-bellied Sea-eagle