Thursday, March 21, 2013

St. James's Park

Eastern Gray Squirrel
Common Pochard
Eurasian Coot
Grey Heron

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Brent Goose
Ruddy Turnstone

Monday, March 18, 2013

Old Hall Marshes

Northern Lapwing
(Eurasian) Green-winged Teal

Abberton Reservoir

Little Grebe
Eurasian Kestrel
Ring-necked Pheasant

Lee Valley

Great Tit
Long-tailed Tit
Indian Muntjac
Stock Doves

Langdon Hills

Tufted Duck
European Rabbit
Eurasian Blue Tit

Monday, March 11, 2013


On March 2nd we went to Prescott for the day. I was hoping to find the Tundra Swans (Willow Lake), White-winged Scoter (Watson Lake) and Hooded Mergansers (Watson Woods) but dipped on them all. We also stopped by at the Western Screech-owl spot in Camp Verde on the way home. No luck there either. We had a change in fortune as a Great Horned Owl fly over as we drove into town at sunset.


On February 22nd my son and I went down to Phoenix to meet my wife who was flying in from LA. We spent some time on Friday evening, and then as a family on Saturday morning, in Papago Park chasing down some easy desert birds. We found two of our target birds Cactus Wren and Gambel's Quail.

Cactus Wren
Curve-billed Thrasher
Anna's Hummingbird
Common Gallinule
Desert Cottontail
Roundtail Ground Squirrel

In the early afternoon we headed out to the thrasher spot in Buckeye where we found Crissal's Thrasher and Le Conte's Thrasher. We then drove back via the agricultural fields around Arlington and saw a small group of Sandhill Cranes and my first Vermillion Flycatcher of 2013.

Vermillion Flycatcher

Page Springs

On February 16th we went down to Page Springs hoping to add some new birds for the year. Things turned out to be pretty quiet and even easy birds such as Ladder-backed Woodpecker proved elusive. A Virginia Rail responded to my wife's clapping. A quick stop at Lo Lo Mai Springs did not disappoint with several Wood Ducks on the pond there.

Say's Phoebe
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Bridled Titmouse
Wood Duck