Monday, August 5, 2013

Tucson Afternoon

I took my son down to Tucson for a campus tour of the U of A on Sunday August 4th. A posting on the list serve had provided an easy urban location for Burrowing Owls and we headed there as soon as we arrived. We saw 4 of these birds in the car park of a windshield company!

Burrowing Owl

After tea and a nap we headed to Madera Canyon for two hours. A storm had passed through earlier in the afternoon and things were very quiet. We looked for birds at the Santa Rita Lodge, Kubo and Chuperosa Inn but saw nothing but the most common species.

Broad-billed Hummingbird

We left just before sunset, seeing a couple of Lesser Nighthawks and some White-tailed Deer on the way back to Green Valley. We did our tour and were back in Flagstaff by late afternoon on Monday.