Sunday, October 5, 2014

Picture Canyon

My wife and I had made a trip to Picture Canyon on Saturday September 13th, but we had not seen too much. I made another trip three weeks later on October 4th, this time with Tom and Eric.

One big difference was in the number of Lewis's Woodpecker. We had 20, a big difference to the 1 we had in September. But otherwise we did not see much that was very different. Still lots of Chipping Sparrows along the creek; a Green-tailed Towhee in the same spot etc. And some baby Round-tailed Horned Lizards along the road.

We did find 3 Cedar Waxwings as we were nearly back at the car, my first in Arizona this year.

But the morning's highlight was not a bird, but a meteor. We saw a fireball streak across the sky, making no sound, around 8am.