Sunday, April 5, 2015

The Lakes Mary and Mormon Lake

On Saturday morning, April 4th, my wife and I took a drive in windy conditions down Lake Mary road. We saw two Golden Eagles at Lower Lake Mary, Bald Eagles at Lower Lake Mary and Mormon Lake, Osprey at both the Lakes Mary, a Peregrine at Mormon Lake and Turkey Vultures at all locations. We saw no kestrels and just a single red-tail.

Other than raptors we saw little of note. A single Double-crested Cormorant at Lower Lake Mary, a Brewer's Blackbird near the Bison behind the Lodge, and Lewis's Woodpeckers and Mountain Bluebirds en route back. A stop at Grass Lake yielded nothing but the most common ducks and a few coot.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Kachina Wetlands

On Thursday April 2nd I spent 45 minutes at the Kachina Wetlands where I added a couple of year birds. I saw four Yellow-headed Blackbirds which I had known were around, but also saw a Long-billed Curlew. This unexpected find was a county bird for me - number 270.

Long-billed Curlew

I also saw a few species for the first time this year in the Flagstaff region, for example an Osprey cruised around for a while.

Cave Springs

On Tuesday March 31st I spent an hour at Cave Springs hoping to add some year birds to my list, and very quickly had a Lucy's Warbler and a Yellow Warbler. I also added Red-breasted Nuthatch while doing a loop of the campground but did not manage to see a Painted Redstart.

On the way back I stopped briefly at the Oak Creek Canyon Overlook where I managed to find a couple of White-throated Swifts,