Friday, April 8, 2016

Oak Creek Canyon

On Saturday April 2nd my wife and I drove down to Cave Springs to add some summer birds to my year list. The camp ground was crowded and so we took the trail north. Painted Redstarts and House Wrens were singing and were easy to find, and we saw one Lucy's Warbler, a Broad-tailed Hummingbird and a soaring Common Black Hawk while there. We stopped at the Canyon Overlook on the way back and saw 3 White-throated Swifts from the viewpoint.

Tucson and Patagonia

After work on Friday March 25th my wife and I drove as far as Casa Grande


After work on Friday March 11th my wife and I headed to Page, and spent the hour before sunset enjoying the view at Horseshoe Bend. On a cold early morning on Saturday 12th we headed to the Wahweap Marina but saw few birds except for a large flock of 75 Ring-billed Gulls. We then headed to the Condor Viewing spot and found 10 California Condors soaring above the Vermilion Cliffs. We also saw a group of Sage Thrashers along the road.

We then headed to Lee's Ferry and spent some time relaxing on Pariah Beach. A condor flew over while we were there. But one last stop, at Navajo Bridge game us our 12th bird of the day, this time a juvenile perched on the supports of the nearby road bridge.

Page Springs

My wife and I headed to Page Springs for a couple of hours on Saturday March 5th. My target was  Brown Thrasher, a bird I have failed to find in Arizona, that had been around for a while. Alas I failed to find the bird. But the Common Black-hawks were in and a Virginia Rail called from one of the ponds.