Saturday, August 3, 2019

August 2019 - Malaysia

My son and I spent August 1st-5th in Malaysia, where I stayed in Bangsar except for a single day that I spent with Cheong of Endemic Guides.

I was surprised to find that Common Mynas had been completely pushed out of Bangsar, replaced by Javan Mynas. The latter species was not found in the area when I had first gone to Malaysia but had quite common in recent years. On a walk to Lucky Garden at sunset we found a noisy roost in the trees between the Bangsar Villages. Otherwise the neighborhood birds were as expected except for a Purple Heron at the kolam on August 1st and a Pink-necked Pigeon in a tree on August 3rd. The latter was my first record in the area.

On Friday August 2nd Cheong picked me up at 6am and drove me to Bukit Tinggi. We arrived at 7:15 and went to a stake-out spot for two Galliformes species. The female Mountain Peacock-Pheasant was already there when we arrived, and after Cheong put some seed and worms out we had a bit if a wait until the male arrived, and an even longer wait until the Ferruginous Partridge came in to feed. We had wonderful views of both species.

Mountain Peacock-Pheasant
Ferruginous Partridge
It was clear that Oriental Magpie Robins and White-rumped Shamas were fully aware of the whereabouts of the free food as they stayed throughout our hour-long vigil at the site.

Oriental Magpie Robin
White-rumped Shama

I had two other life birds - and so 5 in all - during our morning at Bukit Tinggi, with Yellow-throated Barbet (my 13th barbet species) and Yellow-bellied Warbler. Of the non-life birds the best was a lovely Orange-breasted Trogon.

Black-crested Bulbul
After lunch we stopped at a private spot known to Cheong and a few others for a Blue-eared Kingfisher, another lifer and my 8th species of kingfisher in SE Asia.

Blue-eared Kingfisher

We then headed to Ulu Langat where things were very quiet, and we struggled to find very many birds. We ended the day though with two further lifers - making it 8 for the day- a Tickell's Blue Flycatcher and Buff-necked Woodpecker - my 22nd species of woodpecker in SE Asia.

July 2019 - Australia

My son and I arrived in Brisbane on Friday July 26th for a two-part stay.

Golden Whistler

Lewin's Honeyeater