Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lower Colorado River Valley

Bill Williams National Wildlife Refuge
Lake Havasu

Today was an event day on Lake Havasu but I began meeting up with Lauren and chasing and getting the year's third lifer, Yellow-billed Loon, thanks to a couple of Las Vegas birders who delivered it to us on a plate! Lauren and I then proceeded to Site Six where a group of us had rented a boat for a 4 hour bird search on Lake Havasu. Jim piloted the boat while Lauren and David impressively continued to identify birds in the far distance. We had impressive numbers of Common Loon and Horned Grebe and even Lauren and David were surprised to see a White-winged Scoter on the lake. The boat trip was very enjoyable and ended at 1:45 allowing me a second chance to look for Barrow's Goldeneye at the Scenic View by the Bill Williams NWR. No luck! This bid remains, as it has for 20 years, on my wish-list. I then dragged my family down to Parker Dam to see the Black Scoter that Lauren and Davis had promised would be there. I ended the day adding 16 species for the year to end on 136.

American Coot
Great-tailed Grackle
Red-winged Blackbird
Ring-billed Gull

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