Tuesday, February 1, 2011

January Recap

Despite beginning with frigid temperatures, January stayed snow free until 8am on the 31st allowing more chasing than I'd expected this month. Two CBCs, my bald eagle survey route, sparrow banding and the Lake Havasu boat trip meant 5 serious days of birding. The total of 150 species was more than I had expected but included a drive down to Nogales and across to Lake Havasu. My trip south focused on chasing rare birds (with mixed success) and there many more species are available for my next trip south. In addition I ended the month with just 3 waders (shorebirds) on my list and some easy ones yet to find. February will be a busier month for me and winter can be expected to show its face. I will be more than happy to reach 165 by the end of the month.

Green-winged Teal
Lesser Scaup

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