Monday, March 7, 2011

Buckeye Thrasher Spot

With last Sunday's field trip snowed out, just three of us traveled to the famous thrasher spot in Buckeye - at the junction of Baseline Road and Salome Highway. We had a Crissal's Thrasher singing from the top of a mesquite when we arrived - this bird sang for more-or-less the whole time we were there. We had a Sage Thrasher within our first half an hour but had to wait longer for our target bird - LeConte's Thrasher. After some maybe sightings, Troy eventually (40 minutes later) found the bird sitting on top of a four-winged saltbush and we all had conclusive views - this was my 4th lifer and 5th state bird of the year.  Driving around the area for a while we also found a group of 40 Sandhill Cranes on Arlington School Road. I added 4 species for the year and ended the day on 163 for 2011.

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