Monday, December 19, 2011

Lake Havasu

I made a second try at the Red-throated Loon, knowing that other good birds were around. I started at the Island STP where I found the Thayer's Gull. This was a difficult call for me and I took a long time over its ID; this was confirmed when a 2nd cycle American Herring Gull flew in and landed nearby! I then visited Site Six and Pittsburgh Point and had calling Common Loons, a Pacific Loon and Horned Grebe. I then went to Parker Dam and found the Surf Scoter that had been around for a while. My final stop was the Bill Williams River Delta area, full of American Coot, Pied-billed and Western Grebes, Common Goldeneye. But no Red-throated Loon! Arriving back in Flagstaff at the end of a long day I found that Lauren and David had found a Nutting's Flycatcher less than 3 miles from where I'd been sitting!

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

The Thayer's Gull was my 110th lifer and 21st state bird for the year. I added 3 more species to my 2011 list to reach 586.

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