Saturday, March 31, 2012

Cave Springs

I took a family trip to Cave Springs on Saturday March 31st hoping to see some new arrivals and we managed to find Violet-green Swallow, Painted Redstart, Yellow Warbler, Broad-tailed Hummingbird and Common Black-Hawk. The redstarts and flickers were singing but spring was clearly not in full flow at this cooler place in Oak Creek Canyon.

Painted Redstart
Yellow Warbler
In the afternoon I went to the golf course in search of the Eurasian Wigeon that I had last seen on December 31st but which had been seen by others in the past week. I failed to find this bird, but ran into a pair of Mule Deer.

Mule Deer

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Babbitt Tank

On Saturday March 24th I joined 8 northern Arizona birders for a field trip to eastern Coconino county; specifically to Babbitt and Reservation Tanks on the hunt for longspurs. We saw many Chestnut-collared Longspurs, including some most ways to breeding plumage and four species of sparrow - White-crowned, Savannah, Vesper and Black-throated. But the habitat is such that the species diversity was low.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


With a forecast of heavy snow on Sunday, I abandoned my plans to visit a Gunnison Sage Grouse lek in southern Utah, and instead took an overnight family trip to Phoenix. We stopped at Anthem on both journeys and visited Tempe Town Lake on Friday and the Gilbert Water Ranch and the Phoenix Zoo on Saturday. Friday's highlight was my life Red-necked Grebe, completing the set of North American (and European) grebes. At GWR I saw my first ever Dunlins in Arizona but failed again to find the Brown Thrasher. The Red-necked Grebe was my 6th lifer and the Dunlin my 5th Arizona bird of the year.
Long-billed Dowitchers
Double-crested and Neotropic Cormorants
Red-necked Grebe and Ruddy Ducks

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Northeast Arizona along I-40

Hoping to find some early migrants Brent and I made some stops heading back from Albuquerque. The first was at Holbrook  where the WWTP ponds had many ducks but a Say's Phoebe was the only passerine. The road past the golf course was closed.

We next stopped at a very quiet McHood Park in Winslow before birding a little around La Posada. There were few buds on the trees but a Peregrine cruised through making the stop worthwhile.

Our final stop was at Babbitt Tank where Horned Larks put on a show flying around and taking short stops to drink.

Rio Grande Nature Center

Brent and I spent 4 hours on Sunday along the Rio Grande, first at the Nature Center and then later in the day at the Alameda Open Space.

Rio Grande Nature Park
The highlights included a Great-Horned Owl on a nest, a couple of hundred Sandhill Cranes calling as they flew overhead and a couple of noisy, aggressive White-breasted Nuthatches defending nest holes from two birds we don't see in northern Arizona, Black-capped Chickadees and Eastern Bluebirds.

Eastern Bluebird

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Sandia Crest

Brent and I arrived at Sandia Crest at 2:15. To our surprise Crest House was closed but we found all three species of rosy finch, as well as Red-breasted Nuthatch, Mountain Chickadee, Hairy Woodpecker and Dark-eyed Junco. It was a cold 25 degrees at this spot at 10,600 feet.

Sandia Crest
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch?
Black Rosy-Finch
Brown-capped Rosy Finch

Havasu National Wildlife Refuge

After spending the night in Laughlin we birded from our Riverview room on Saturday morning, March 3rd, for a while before driving to a spot close to the bridge. A Peregrine spooking the ducks at that spot meant we had over 20 species for the morning. We then drove down to Pintail Slough on Havasu NWR hoping to see the three Trumpeter Swans that had been found in Mohave Valley on January 12. This was the first time I had the opportunity to try for these birds, but the birds were gone. We did see a group of around 400 Snow Geese, and after running into Lauren had a Harris's Hawk fly over! We saw many duck species and several raptors at Pintail Slough and enjoyed birding the area.

Snow Geese

Arizona Strip

On Saturday February 25th, Tom and I went to Fredonia to look for the Black-capped Chickadee. I had dipped on this in January and we had no idea if the bird had been seen recently but we spent the day walking neighborhoods and watching the feeder. We also took time to visit Pipe Spring NM. All to no avail, and we saw little of not except for a perched Ferruginous Hawk as we were leaving town to spend the night in Jacob Lake. 

On Sunday February 26th Tom and I met up with Jim and Zack and some of the big shot birders from Phoenix and Tucson to look for the Common Redpoll that Shaun had found ten days earlier. The group located the redpoll among Lesser Goldfinches and House Finches.

Great Backyard Birdcount

After a near birdless Saturday, species numbers on Sunday February 19th were similar to those in 2011 at 14. It was cloudy day and it snowed on and off. This weather brought in a couple of surprises - a Brown Creeper and my first Cassin's Finches of the year. However no Steller's Jays came to the feeders.

Mountain Chickadee

The total counts were Rock Pigeon – 4,  Eurasian Collared-Dove – 5, Hairy Woodpecker – 2,  Northern Flicker – 1,  American Crow – 8,  Mountain Chickadee – 1,  White-breasted Nuthatch – 2, Pygmy Nuthatch – 4,  Brown Creeper – 1,  Dark-eyed Junco – 26 ( 12 Oregon, 6 Pink-sided, 8 Gray-headed),  Cassin's Finch – 6,  House Finch – 6,  Pine Siskin – 6 and House Sparrow - 4.

A short trip to Cave Springs found the place to be pretty birdless except for the American Dipper that had been there for a while and a number of Rednaped Sapsuckers and Acorn Woodpeckers.