Saturday, March 10, 2012

Great Backyard Birdcount

After a near birdless Saturday, species numbers on Sunday February 19th were similar to those in 2011 at 14. It was cloudy day and it snowed on and off. This weather brought in a couple of surprises - a Brown Creeper and my first Cassin's Finches of the year. However no Steller's Jays came to the feeders.

Mountain Chickadee

The total counts were Rock Pigeon – 4,  Eurasian Collared-Dove – 5, Hairy Woodpecker – 2,  Northern Flicker – 1,  American Crow – 8,  Mountain Chickadee – 1,  White-breasted Nuthatch – 2, Pygmy Nuthatch – 4,  Brown Creeper – 1,  Dark-eyed Junco – 26 ( 12 Oregon, 6 Pink-sided, 8 Gray-headed),  Cassin's Finch – 6,  House Finch – 6,  Pine Siskin – 6 and House Sparrow - 4.

A short trip to Cave Springs found the place to be pretty birdless except for the American Dipper that had been there for a while and a number of Rednaped Sapsuckers and Acorn Woodpeckers. 

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