Sunday, April 8, 2012

Snowbowl road

Northern Arizona visitor Matt, from Pennsylvania, and I went up to the Arizona Snowbowl around 4pm on Friday April 6th. Matt's target bird was Clark's Nutcracker and we had a lone bird fly over and perch for a few seconds. We did see much else of much interest: Pygmy and White-breasted Nuthatches, Mountain Chickadee and three pairs of our breeding race of Dark-eyed Juncos. We then went down to Hart Prairie where we were surprised to find singing Chorus Frogs at 8000 feet.

Matt and I returned to Snowbowl Road for some owling at 7pm on Saturday April 7th. We saw three elk on the road up and heard both a Great-horned Owl and a Flammulated Owl calling during a cold but wind-free vigil.

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