Friday, June 29, 2012

Kent Day Trip

On Friday June 29th David came over and took us to  two RSPB reserves in Kent - Northward Hill and Cliffe Pools. We had a good day exploring these areas with a flock of 30 Black-tailed Godwits being the best birds. As well as nearly 40 species of birds, we had Rabbit and Gray Squirrel, Red Admiral and Grey Hairstreak butterflies and Cinnabar Moths.

European Goldfinch
Cinnabar Moth
Cinnabar Moth Caterpillars
Common Tern

Easy Days in Langdon Hills

We arrived in the UK on Saturday June 23rd and spent the first few days resting up. We saw the common birds of the local woods and the lake at the conservation center.

Eurasian Blackbird
Eurasian Coot
Tufted Duck

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Alaska Cruise - Haines to Vancouver

The second half of the cruise yielded little in the way of birds. No new species were seen at sea and the only new birds added for the year were singing Townsend's Warblers and Varied Thrushes in the temperate rain forest on the shore excursions. Other breeding songsters were an Oregon Junco and a White-crowned Sparrow.

Harbor Seal

Alaska Cruise - Seward to Haines

On Sunday June 10th we left Denali by motorcoach and traveled through Anchorage to Seward. I managed a couple of life birds during this journey - a singing Alder Flycatcher when we stopped at a Mount McKinley viewpoint and several Northwestern Crows along the highway.

Alder Flycatcher
Northwestern Crow
Once aboard the ship, we had good views of Mew and Glaucous-winged Gulls, Pigeon Guillemot, Pelagic Cormorant, Common Murre, Marbled Murrelet and Sooty Shearwater as we made our way south to Glacier Bay. At Glacier Bay National Park we had Surf Scoter, White-winged Scoter, Long-tailed Duck, Common Loon and picked up both Sabine's Gull and Black-legged Kittiwake. Haines gave us a large group of scoters feeding on mussel beds, many Arctic Terns and a pair of tame Pigeon Guillemots.

Surf and White-winged Scoters
Pigeon Gullemot

Saturday, June 9, 2012


On Friday June 8th we took the train to Denali National Park, seeing several Trumpeter Swans along the way. As well as being a bird from my favorite Order, this was my 500th ABA species! In the evening a walk around the chalets where we were staying yielded a Gray Jay. Two life birds without much effort.

On Saturday June 9th we took the Tundra Wilderness Tour across the park and were lucky enough to see all the big four mammals, as well as Hoary Marmot, Arctic Ground Squirrel and Red Fox. Birds were few and far between. We had two good birds - Willow Ptarmigan and Golden Eagle[ otherwise all we saw were Black-billed Magpie, Mew Gull and Common Raven. A 3 hour hike at the end of the day fared no better with American Robin, Dark-eyed Junco, Yellow-rumped Warbler and White-crowned Sparrow being all we saw before a Gray Jay flew across the road as we headed back. 

Dall Sheep
Grizzly Bear
Willow Ptarmigan

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Anchorage, Alaska

On Thursday June 7th we flew to Anchorage, leaving the Phoenix hotel at 4:30am and arriving at our hotel in Anchorage some 12 hours later. We still had plenty of time to walk the coastal path from the hotel to Westchester Lagoon. I added five new species for 2012 of which Arctic Tern was a new ABA bird for me. Two others I should have gotten already in Arizona.

Greater Scaup
My three favorite birds of the day were all birds I had seen earlier in the year. Mew Gulls were everywhere in Anchorage, even out numbering the Herring Gulls. A number of energetic Black-capped Chickadees were feeding on low shrubs. Red-necked Grebes are a lovely bird and those here were even brighter than the one I'd seen at Tempe Town Lake.

Arctic Tern
Black-capped Chickadee
Mew Gull
Red-necked Grebe

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Last Weekend of Part One

Ahead of my summer trips, I spent 10 hours outside hiking and birding over the first weekend in June. On Saturday morning I had a birdingpal visitor from Phoenix and after failing to find Pinyon Jays at Pam's spent the best part of three hours at the East Rio. There were few high spots but after flitting about nervously for a while a flock of Bushtits decided to snuggle up together for a while.

The final stop of the morning was an hour at Kachina Village seeing many of the birds from the previous week but also an increase in duck species and numbers.

White-faced Ibis

In the evening I went out with Tom and BB to the only known local spot for Barn Owl. While we waited for the birds to emerge, we had a couple of Common Nighthawks fly over and a Common Poorwill call for a few minutes.

On Sunday I took the REU students on a hike up Old Caves Crater where Pinyon Jays were everywhere! I finally ran into Juniper Titmouse. Arriving home I found a post from Jodie about a male Indigo Bunting at the museum. Despite going there in the heat of the day I found the bird happily moving from perch to perch singing away.

Indigo Bunting