Saturday, June 9, 2012


On Friday June 8th we took the train to Denali National Park, seeing several Trumpeter Swans along the way. As well as being a bird from my favorite Order, this was my 500th ABA species! In the evening a walk around the chalets where we were staying yielded a Gray Jay. Two life birds without much effort.

On Saturday June 9th we took the Tundra Wilderness Tour across the park and were lucky enough to see all the big four mammals, as well as Hoary Marmot, Arctic Ground Squirrel and Red Fox. Birds were few and far between. We had two good birds - Willow Ptarmigan and Golden Eagle[ otherwise all we saw were Black-billed Magpie, Mew Gull and Common Raven. A 3 hour hike at the end of the day fared no better with American Robin, Dark-eyed Junco, Yellow-rumped Warbler and White-crowned Sparrow being all we saw before a Gray Jay flew across the road as we headed back. 

Dall Sheep
Grizzly Bear
Willow Ptarmigan

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