Monday, July 30, 2012


A short trip to Southend finally yielded Little Tern from the end of the pier. One surprise was that Ruddy Turnstones were roosting along the pier, something they do in the winter. Perhaps these birds are already back?

Black-headed Gull
Ruddy Turnstone

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Essex Coast

On Friday July 27th David took us out to Abberton Reservoir and Mersea Island on the Essex coast.
The causeway at Abberton had a number of both Yellow and White (Pied) Wagtails but the area near the visitor center was being redeveloped and was a little disappointing except for a Corn Bunting along the fence. I also finally caught up with Green Woodpecker and Skylark.

The trip to Mersea island was very productive for waders and we had an enjoyable walk along the mudflats.

Eurasian Lapwing
White Wagtail
Yellow Wagtail

Lea Valley Park

On Wednesday July 18th, David took us out to Lea Valley Park. The weather barely cooperated and it was no surprise that no Buzzards were soaring over the woods. David delivered Yellowhammer at a farm area in the park and a walk along the goose field yielded Canada, Greylag and Egyptian Geese as well as two Green Sandpipers. A stop in a hide did not yield Eurasian Bittern but a Great-spotted Woodpecker gave good views at the feeder.

Egyptian Goose
Eurasian Wood Pigeon
Mute Swan

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Second trip to Kent

On Sunday July 15th my brother took us to two spots in Ken. The target birds at the first spot were Common Kingfisher and Egyptian Goose, both of which we found without difficulty. We also found a Blackcap family; the fledgling bird making sure we did not miss them by being very vocal.

The second spot took some finding, but while there we walked a nice circuit and found many Black-tailed and Bar-tailed Godwits and Common Redshank. As we got back to the car we got to see a Peregrine hunting at speed.

Pied Avocet

Monday, July 9, 2012

Lille Weekend

On Friday July 6th my boys and I took a weekend trip to Lille in northern France. I managed to catch up with some species - Kestrel and Pheasant from the coach, House Martin in St Omar's main square - but also had some luck with Coal Tit in the park surrounding the Citadel in Lille and Black Redstart from my hotel window.

Eurasian Wren
European Rabbit
Song Thrush

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Rainham Marshes

On Tuesday July 3rd David took us to the Rainham Marshes RSPB reserve where we walked the loop and I added a number of new birds for the year. We also saw a couple of Common Lizards and found a couple of dead Common Shrews along the path

Common Lizard

At the start of the trail I finally got to see Song Thrush and Chiffchaff, birds that I had heard several times in the past week. I also had good views of Eurasian Wren. I had countable (feral) Greylag Geese, Northern Shoveler and Eurasian Shelduck on the water and both Reed and Sedge Warblers and Reed Buntings in the reed beds. Sadly I could not find Skylarks although they were singing away! A walk along the sea wall at the end of the loop produced an unexpected Common Sandpiper to round off a good morning.

Reed Bunting
Sedge Warbler

A walk along the sea wall at Coalhouse Fort in Tilbury produced a Great-backed Gull, several Eurasian Curlews ans Eurasian Pied Oystercatcher and we heard and then saw a Eurasian Turtle Dve, a species that is becoming increasingly rare.

Hyde Park

Monday July 2nd delivered two new garden birds for my trip - a flock of Long-tailed Tits in the morning and a couple of European Goldfinches in the early evening. During the day we went to the Museums in South Kensington and spent an hour in Hyde Park at lunchtime. The Serpentine had a number of very tame birds (although I did not count Greylag or Egyptian Goose on my year list!)

Great-crested Grebe
Common Pochard

Greylag Goose
Lesser Black-backed Gull