Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Rainham Marshes

On Tuesday July 3rd David took us to the Rainham Marshes RSPB reserve where we walked the loop and I added a number of new birds for the year. We also saw a couple of Common Lizards and found a couple of dead Common Shrews along the path

Common Lizard

At the start of the trail I finally got to see Song Thrush and Chiffchaff, birds that I had heard several times in the past week. I also had good views of Eurasian Wren. I had countable (feral) Greylag Geese, Northern Shoveler and Eurasian Shelduck on the water and both Reed and Sedge Warblers and Reed Buntings in the reed beds. Sadly I could not find Skylarks although they were singing away! A walk along the sea wall at the end of the loop produced an unexpected Common Sandpiper to round off a good morning.

Reed Bunting
Sedge Warbler

A walk along the sea wall at Coalhouse Fort in Tilbury produced a Great-backed Gull, several Eurasian Curlews ans Eurasian Pied Oystercatcher and we heard and then saw a Eurasian Turtle Dve, a species that is becoming increasingly rare.

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