Saturday, October 27, 2012

AZFO Meeting

I had eagerly signed up for the AZFO meeting in Lake Havasu when I heard that there was a Friday afternoon boat trip on the lake before a day of presentations on Saturday and a choice of trips on Sunday morning. But the lack of many interesting sightings before the event couple with falling behind with things at work, I decided I would go for the 'pelagic' and return on Saturday. But on reaching a windy Lake Havasu City, I was not surprised to hear the boat company had canceled. I went to Rotary Park with a group, but with high winds and few birds I headed home. Six hours of driving for 90 minutes of bad birding - an experience worse than chasing and dipping on a rarity! A good day's working would have been better. We did find an immature California Gull with a deformed bill.

California Gull

1 comment:

  1. Hi there. I know all about driving miles to see nothing but empty trees. I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and this past Friday however the drive actually bad off. Once in the forest my wife and I came upon an adult Saw-Whet Owl sitting low in a tree. This was the first time as birders that we had ever seen a Saw-Whet Owl. Fortunately, we had our camera with us and got some good pictures and video. We have posted them for anyone interested at:
