Thursday, February 7, 2013

In town

With snow forecast for the weekend I drove to work slowly on Thursday and found the three Cackling Geese on the golf course by the Athletic club.

Cackling Goose
Common Goldeneye

Monday, February 4, 2013

Verde Valley and Dewey

On Saturday February 2nd, I joined a small group of birders for a walk around the new Sedona Wetlands Preserve, adding a few species to my year's list but seeing nothing too special. We then adjourned for food and a bird video quiz at Rich and Nanette's.

On Sunday, we chased three birds that had been around for some time. We stopped first at the V-bar-V Heritage site where two species if sparrows had been coming to some feeders for the past few weeks.

White-throated Sparrow
Golden-crowned Sparrow
Red-tailed Hawk
Cliff Chipmunk

We then headed to the Dewey ditch where a White-tailed Kite had been seen on-and-off since October. I had dipped on this bird in December, but had more luck this time. This was a species that I had hoped to catch up with in Arizona. I may have seen it in the state before, but I was not certain - I had seen it in North America a few times. This counted as my first state bird of 2013.

White-tailed Kite