Monday, February 4, 2013

Verde Valley and Dewey

On Saturday February 2nd, I joined a small group of birders for a walk around the new Sedona Wetlands Preserve, adding a few species to my year's list but seeing nothing too special. We then adjourned for food and a bird video quiz at Rich and Nanette's.

On Sunday, we chased three birds that had been around for some time. We stopped first at the V-bar-V Heritage site where two species if sparrows had been coming to some feeders for the past few weeks.

White-throated Sparrow
Golden-crowned Sparrow
Red-tailed Hawk
Cliff Chipmunk

We then headed to the Dewey ditch where a White-tailed Kite had been seen on-and-off since October. I had dipped on this bird in December, but had more luck this time. This was a species that I had hoped to catch up with in Arizona. I may have seen it in the state before, but I was not certain - I had seen it in North America a few times. This counted as my first state bird of 2013.

White-tailed Kite

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