Friday, August 15, 2014

Anacortes, Washington

On Wednesday August 6th we spent some time in Anacortes, where my son was to spend two weeks in a summer program.On the drive there we had seen many Glaucous-winged Gulls flying around, not a bird I have seen very often but the common gull of the northwest.

We went to Washington Park in Anacortes where we saw Pigeon Guillemot and Marbled Murrelet in the sound, and a number of species of passerines in the wooded areas, including a Varied Thrush and a number of very dark Song Sparrows. As we were leaving the park a Black Oystercatcher flew onto a rock near the car park.

We stopped by the ferry terminal as we left Anacortes and found many Pelagic Cormorants nesting on the piers as I had researched earlier.

Black-tailed Deer
White-crowned Sparrow
American Robin

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