Saturday, February 21, 2015

Around Flagstaff

A Harris's Sparrow had been found outside the Forestry Building on the NAU Campus on January 23rd and on Sunday 25th and Monday 26th I made unsuccessful short stops to try and find the bird. On Wednesday 28th I tried again, this time without m camera and had excellent views of this bird!

On Saturday January 30th I took a drive down Lake Mary Road to Mormon Lake and back and saw hundreds of ducks and geese on the lakes. I had a fly over flock of 70 Pinyon Jays while scanning through the geese at the far end of Upper Lake Mary, and then found two Lewis's Woodpeckers at Mormon Lake Village.

On Sunday February 1st my wife and I went to the Kachina Village Wetlands where Cinnamon Teal had been seen regularly the previous week. On arrival we ran into Eric who had seen them on the far side of the wet pond, but alas these birds were not there when by the time we got there. Instead we were treated to calling Virginia Rail and Sora. It seems that this was the second year in a row that both species had stayed through the winter.

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