Tuesday, January 1, 2019

The Year Ahead

I will again spend a combined 2 months in California, plan trips to the UK, Australia, and Malaysia in the summer, and to Bellingham in March. I am also likely to go to Chicago for a few days in August. Based on this I will set my World goal at 600 species and will set a North American target of 350 species, although I have not reached the latter in the past three years of similar travel. I will set targets of 200 for both Arizona and California, with 175 in both Coconino and Santa Clara.

Lifers will be hard to come by, but I have hopes of seeing the Red-footed Booby at the harbor in Santa Cruz in January. (The bird has been there for the past month.) Otherwise Bell’s Sparrow is my best bet. This is found along Mines Road close to San Jose.

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