Sunday, January 15, 2012

Midwinter Eagle Survey & NAAS Aqua Fria Field Trip

On Saturday January 14th, I did my Winter Bald Eagle survey route through SE Flagstaff and out to Walnut Canyon. With no eagle on the perch at Lake Elaine when I began, I was worried about ending on zero. This was my final tally at the end of my 2 hour route. I did have one wonderful sighting; I had braved Old Walnut Canyon Road and I got out of the car when something ran across the road in front of me. A Bobcat sat posing for me some 30-40 metres away for over 5 minutes. Alas I had no camera.

On Sunday January 15th, I joined a group of birders from both Northern Arizona and Prescott Audubon to bird an underbirded area at Aqua Fria National Monument. It turned out not to be very birdy. We were disappointed to find just three sparrow species - White-Crowned, Vesper and Black-throated but had lots of treshers - both Sage and Crissal's. The highlight of the day was a large flock of birds including Western and Mountain Bluebirds, American Robin, Western Meadowlark and Northern Flicker. We saw a group of six Pronghorn on the drive down.

Hooded Merganser


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