Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Year Ahead

As with last year, in 2012 I hope to do plenty of birding at the weekend and on my days off. I have some travel plans too, including a non-birding trip to Alaska on which I hope to find some lifers.

I had set myself the goal of at least 12 state birds in 2011, and managed 24. I will aim for 15 in 2012 - this would take me almost halfway to the magic 400.  I will again set 250 as my Arizona goal; I beat that in 2011 but, in part, that was due to some chasing when David visited in May.

I had a goal of 50 lifers in 2011 and managed more than twice that courtesy of a trip to Thailand. In 2012, my big trip will be to Alaska and I will set an optimistic goal of 40 lifers for 2012.  I should reach 500 ABA birds in 2012. My final goal is to see 400 species worldwide; well down on 2011’s 590 species but there will be no Thailand in 2012.

On my wanted list for the Four corners region in 2012 are Red-necked Grebe, Cackling Goose, Sage Grouse, Stilt Sandpiper, Black Tern, Gray Jay, Pine Grosbeak and the three species of rosy finch.

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