Sunday, May 12, 2013


On Saturday May 11th we took part in the North American Migration Count in Navajo County. Spending the night in Holbrook, where our motel had 5 Western Kingbirds, we went to the Holbrook Water Treatment Plant to find all areas deep with water and with no shorebird habitat. The drive past the locked gate did not disappoint however and we had 21 species of birds at the reservoir. The best of these was a single Red-necked Phalarope among 62 Wilson's. But the highlight was a couple of Scaled Quail, my first north of Willcox!
Red-necked Phalarope
Scaled Quail
Leaving Holbrook we headed west past Cholla Lake that appeared devoid of birds, and drove the frontage road in the Joseph City area finding very little. We stopped at McHood Park in Winslow and were surprised to see a Western Grebe. By the time we reached La Posada it was getting hot and we had little success in the grounds.

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