Sunday, May 5, 2013

Verde Valley

On Saturday May 4th I decided to make an early start to try to add some 'easy' birds to my year list. I arrived at Montezuma Well at 7:30 in search of Rock Wren and Canyon Wren, and had both birds before 8:15.I also picked up Black-throated Sparrow, another bid I had hoped to find during the day.

Violet-green Swallow

My next planned trip was to Page Springs, but following a phone call I re-arranged my plans and met up with Rich and Nanette for a stop at Dead Horse Ranch State Park where a Least Bittern had been reported earlier in the morning. We heard the bird calling from 'the island' but it remained hidden deep in the reeds.

The day's final stop was at the Sedona Wetlands Preserve where I added Marbled Godwit to my state list. Like Willet, this was a bird that I may have seen in-state yeas ago but my record keeping wasn't good and I had hoped for a proper confirmation of this species. A Black-necked Stilt was also on the back pond, but I continued my poor record of gulls for the spring.

Cassin's Kingbird

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