Thursday, July 18, 2013


For a long time I had wanted to go to O'Reilly's - rain had washed out a previous plan in 2009. On Thursday July 18th, we spent about 5 hours there with Marion. Now I want to go back to O'Reilly's!

We had stopped on the way to visit a lagoon just half a kilometer out of our way. We were greeted by a flock of noisy Little Corellas and soon had a male Rufous Whistler and a few Yellow-rumped Thornbills in the trees nearby. A Shining Bronze-Cuckoo, Pale-headed Rosella, Little Grassbird and Superb Fairy-Wrens were also close at hand. The lagoon itself had Australian Pelican, Purple Swaphen, Dusky Moorhen and Eurasian Coot. A stop for a cuppa in a park nearby brought us a Wedge-tailed Eagle.

Little Corellas

Arriving at O'Reilly's we found flocks of Crimson Rosella and King Parrot at the bird-feeding area, and got to feed these birds by hand. My bare arms ended up badly scratched by these eager birds.

King Parrot
Crimson Rosella

After a walk along a boardwalk and along a set of suspension spans at tree-top level in the rain, a lunch stop found Eastern Spinebill, Lewin's Honeyeater, Satin Bowerbird and Regent Bowerbird. We then walked 2km along a trail and found Eastern Yellow-Robin, Yellow-throated Scrub-wren, Large-billed Scrub-wren, Brown Thornbill, a Wonga Pigeon, Bassian Thrush and a family of Logrunners.

Lewin's Honeyeater
Wonga Pigeon

We also saw two Red-necked Pademelons along the road and another with a joey at the campground at O'Reilly's.

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