Monday, July 15, 2013

Telapa Buruk

On Monday July 15th, I went with an MNS group to Telapa Buruk in Negeri Sembilan. We birded along the hill road in the morning and spent the afternoon armchair birding at Rafi and Angela's house.

We started along the road at 7:30 for a 4-hour field trip up the hill at Telapa Buruk and had a selection of forest birds when we stopped for nasi lemak just a short way up the hill. We then went to the stake-out place and played a tape to attract the Eye-browed Wren-babbler, a rare and elusive species. Unlike two years ago, the bird did not disappoint and gave us good views. This was a lifer not only for m but for three Malaysians in the group of six. A Grey-and-Buff Woodpecker was the other highlight of the morning's trip.

We got to Rafi and Angela's place for lunch around 12:30 and stayed until after 7:00. We spent much of the time resting and looking for birds from the house. This birding was slow but produced the three best birds of the day - Blue-throated Bee-eater, Red-throated Barbet and Rhinoceros Hornbill. The latter in the form of two birds heading to roost at dusk.

Blue-throated Bee-eater

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