Sunday, October 6, 2013

Rancho San Antonio

On Sunday October 6th we walked trails at Rancho San Antonio. I had six target birds but after walking for quite some time I had only added Chestnut-backed Chickadee and Nuttall's Woodpecker to my list. Heading back to the car I first ran into a covey of California Quail as I got to the farm area and then spotted a California Towhee as we stopped to look at some Acorn Woodpeckers. Finally as we reached the home straight an Oak Titmouse flew onto a wooden post! I ended the morning with 5 of my 6 targets.

We headed back to Flagstaff in the afternoon. The short trip to California added 32 species to my year's list taking me to 679 for the year. Saturday's Manx Shearwater was a new ABA bird for me - and my first sighting of this species since I saw many on the boat to Skomer in 1981- taking my ABA list to 548.

Wild Turkey
California Quail

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