Sunday, November 17, 2013

Chicago Weekend

I flew to Chicago late on Wednesday October 16th for a family weekend. On Thursday 17th and the morning of Friday 18th I stayed on campus and as well as the expected birds I saw a Peregrine overhead and 3 Brown Creepers. On Friday 18th we went to the Shedd Aquarium and saw the usual birds on the lake but also 3 more Brown Creepers. Clearly this was migration time for this species.

On Saturday October 18th Pat picked me up and took me to Wooded Island for the third time. The highlight was a Field Sparrow, a bird counted as my 549th ABA bird although I may have seen one many years ago but my record keeping could not confirm this. A nice Fox Sparrow and a small group of Balck-capped Chickadees were also year birds for me. A trip into the city and along the museum campus to the Field Museum did not add anything special.

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