Sunday, November 17, 2013

Lake Havasu

We drove to Lake Havasu City on a family trip on Friday November 8th. The planned birding was designed with two species as my target birds. I was at Windsor Beach at 7:10am on Saturday morning and immediately found the Brown Booby. After finding out that our planned boat trip had been cancelled we went to Bill Williams and spent two hours looking in vain for the Blue-Footed Booby. We did find a nice male White-winged Scoter and female Red-breasted Merganser while searching for the target bird. After lunch we did take a boat across the lake to the casino with an immediate return and saw a Pacific Loon, Forster's Tern and California Gull on the journey. I also had the expected year birds of Horned Grebe and Greater Scaup.

Brown Booby
California Gull

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