Saturday, April 19, 2014

Elden Spring & Kachina Wetlands

I joined a NAAS field trip to Elden Spring on Saturday April 19th and ran into my first warblers and flycatchers of the year. Grace's Warblers, Virginia Warbler's and Spotted Towhees were singing, and we heard the referee's whistle of an Ash-throated Flycatcher - finally seeing a pair of these birds as we reached the pipeline from the St. Moritz trailhead. We also heard but did not see a Plumbeaous Vireo. Insects were out too and we were lucky to find Arizona's state butterfly posing on a juniper.

Spotted Towhee
Two-tailed Swallowtail Butterfly

At the end of the day I headed out for a 45 minute spell at the Kachina Wetlands, seeing many Yellow-headed and Red-winged Blackbirds and hearing both Sora and Virginia Rails.

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