Friday, March 28, 2014

The Mississippi Gulf Coast

I spent Thursday March 27th and Friday March 28th on the Mississippi Gulf Coast from Gulfport to Ocean Beach.

On Thursday I focused on the coastal stretch from Gulfport to Ocean Beach stopping several times as I drove along. I saw a large number of beach species - waders (shorebirds), gulls and terns - on this drive. At the end of the day I saw over 200 Black Skimmers including 12 skimming the waters with their bills.

Black-bellied Plover
Common Loon
Ring-billed Gull & Laughing Gulls
Laughing Gull & Herring Gull

The easterly point on my drive was at Gulf Islands National Seashore where I spent some time looking for forest birds. I had good luck with Carolina Chickadee, Carolina Wren, Northern Parula, Brown Thrasher, Eastern Bluebird and White-eye Vireo. I also found an alligator cruising through one of the bayous.

American Alligator

My plan for Friday was to drive west from Gulfport but a rainstorm intervened. The Bayou on the USM Gulf Coast campus had spilled over its banks and the roads were badly flooded in many places.

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