Sunday, July 20, 2014

Norfolk Trip - day one

On Thursday July 17th David and I headed to the North Norfolk Coast.We drove from Basildon to Thetford for stops at the Lynford Arboretum and Weeting Heath, reached the coast at Hunstanton and then drove to Titchwell and Holkham.

Our first stop at Lynford Arboretum was intended as a spot to stretch our legs after the long drive but several birds were very cooperative. I had good sightings of Goldcrest (which I missed at the Ashdown Forest), Eurasian Siskin and Treecreeper but unexpectedly also saw several Spotted Flycatchers. I had only seen this bird once or twice before but got to enjoy the bird here, first high in the trees and later at eye-level.

The second stop, just a short drive away was to Weeting Heath which delivered our target bird - Eurasian Stone Curlew (Thick-knee). Several of these birds were visible from the hide, all standing so a careful search was not needed, but all quite distant.

A lengthy drive took us to Hunstanton in search of another target - Northern Fulmar. We had short glimpses of this bird from the cliff top on either side of tea, but a walk along the beach gave us close views of both sitting and flying birds. The muddy shore also held Oystercatcher, Redshank and Curlew.

Northern Fulmar
Northern Fulmar

In late afternoon we drove past Snettisham (an RSPB reserve best in winter) and Holme to the RSPB Reserve at Titchwell. The scrapes and hides were reminiscent of Minsmere and held many of the birds seen earlier in the week, but we added Little Ringed Plover to our list for my trip. We again got to enjoy Ruff in many degrees of moult.


We ended the day driving some back roads (yes we got lost) but did not find any partridge.

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