Monday, July 14, 2014

Suffolk Trip - day one

On Sunday July 13th David and covered areas of Suffolk near Oulton Broad and Lowestoft, the Blyth Estuary and near Snape.

The day began with some heavy rain but this had mostly subsided by the time we reached our first destination at the northern end of Suffolk. We stopped at Carlton Marsh near Oulton Broad and picked up one of our target birds, and life bird for me, Wood Sandpiper. Although another target, Garganey, was present these birds swam too close to the near shore of a distant pond and I did not feel confident in calling the ID for what would be a new bird for my UK list. Black skies and some rain meant we did not loiter hoping for better views.

Our next stop was Lowestoft Harbour where we easily found our target (Black-legged) Kittiwakes. These birds were also distant, but further away at a pier south of the harbour.

Black-legged Kittiwake

We then headed south for a stop at the Hen Reedbeds close to Blythborough. We did not have target birds in mind but we found a large group of Mediterranean Gulls on the mud, and scanning further we found a couple of Red Knot among the typical waders. 

Mediterranean Gulls
Mediterranean and Black-headed Gulls

A stop at the farthest hide produced a (mostly sleeping) Green Sandpiper. The contrast with the Wood Sandpiper seen earlier that day was clear. Back at the car park we took tea and scones to a viewpoint around 7:30 where we were treated to a Barn Owl as well as several of the much more expected Marsh Harriers. As we were leaving we heard the purring of a Turtle Dove and found the bird close to the road.

Hen Reedbeds
Green Sandpiper

Our final stop of the day was at Blaxhall Heath. After checking into our accommodation at the local YHA hostel we went out before dark and enjoyed the churring, and a brief view of a Nightjar. 

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