Saturday, January 24, 2015

Reid park, Sweetwater, the Santa Cruz Flats and Dos Lagos

On Sunday January 18th my wife and I headed back to Flagstaff making a few stops along the way. We began with another failure to find the Burrowing Owls in the parking lot of the autoglass company near the airport, and then drove to Reid Park.

I had been expecting Redhead and both Neotropic and Double-crested Cormorants, but had forgotten that Black-crowned Night Herons are often by the ponds too, while a Snowy Egret was a bonus for my year list. I had not been thinking about non-water birds at all and was pleased to find a male Summer Tanager and a male Vermillion Flycatcher by the ball fields.

Male Redhead
Vermillion Flycatcher

We made a short stop at Sweetwater hoping for Blue-winged Teal and Common Gallinule, but found neither, but we saw several Gadwall and Pied-billed Grebe, and heard many Sora. We saw good numbers of Yellow-rumped and Orange-crowned Warblers and Verdin.

Male Gadwall

We made a very short detour onto the Santa Cruz Flats finding two Harris's Hawks just past the Red Rock feedlot and a single Crested Caracara in the usual area before rejoining I-10 and heading north, soon seeing my first Turkey Vulture of the year.

We stopped to buy lunch and enjoyed this as Dos Lagos Park in Glendale where we easily found the Eurasian Wigeon among the American Wigeon.

Male Eurasian Wigeon
Male American Wigeon
Female American Wigeon

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