Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Year Ahead

I have learned that 150 county birds and 250 state birds are good targets for me, and I will use these as my goals for 2015. My ABA goal is more difficult but a hoped for San Diego pelagic on April 25th and a business trip to El Paso, TX the weekend before plus trips to see my sons mean that 350 should be attainable. A trip to Europe in June and July means that my world goal for 2015 is 450 species.
My top goal is to reach 400 species for Arizona. I am hoping to spend Martin Luther King Weekend in S.E. Arizona where Sinaloa Wren will be my main target. Once again I will say that I need to make an effort to get Black-billed Magpie, Gray Jay and Chukar on my Arizona list! Someday I will find Swamp Sparrow or Rose-breasted Grosbeak too.

In the ABA area I hope to find Red-billed Tropicbird on the San Diego pelagic, if I can make that trip work, and I will have time on May and early June for a trip which could include chasing game birds in Colorado.I might be able to get into the 570s for my life ABA list.

My current plans are to go on a bird tour in Spain in June and if so I might be able to add 50 lifers for the year.

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