Saturday, June 13, 2015

Birdingpal Visitor

Birdingpal David mentioned that he had never seen Grace's or Red-faced Warblers and I found these very close to the Schultz Creen trailhead on Monday June 8th.

When David visited we started the day at 6:30 successfully finding these birds as well as Plumbeous Vireo, before heading up to Snowbowl, where we had a male Williamson's Sapsucker fly across the road near Lamar Haines. We then walked the Aspen Loop Trail where we saw Warbling Vireo, Red-breasted Nuthatch, House Wren, Vesper Sparrow and Clark's Nutcracker.

We ended our six-hours of birding with a visit to Elden Spring. David was pleased to see an Ash-throated Flycatcher, and I finally caught up with Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher.

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