Saturday, June 13, 2015

Pumphouse Wash

I had volunteered to help with a Bioblitz at Pumphouse Wash in Kachina Village and on Sunday May 17th Christina and scouted the area. Harrenburg Wash was a new place for me and we had Western Wood-Pewee and MacGillivray's Warbler. I returned just three days later on Wednesday 20th and was lucky to find a female American Redstart. Tom and Joe chased and got this bird the following day and also found a Northern Waterthrush. I went back but had no luck with this bird; it is now over twenty years since I have seen one although they are regular migrants through the area.

The Bioblitz itself was on Saturday May 30th and I saw little of interest that day except for a Lazuli Bunting and a Dusky Flycatcher.

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