Saturday, November 7, 2015

NAAS trip to Holbrook

On September 13th I joined a small group for a visit to Holbrook where Anita greeted us at the Golf Course. The Water Treatment Plant is not what it used to be and there were very few birds along the road into the golf course.

We spent a few minutes at the golf course with Rock Wren, Wilson's Warbler and both Black and Say's Phoebes making themselves known to us. We then drove along the road finding the expected Killdeer as well as a large group of Brewer's Sparrows. The Tree Farm area was very productive with Yellow-breasted Chat, Blue Grosbeak, Hermit Thrush, Green-tailed Towhees and a Crissal Thrasher all of note.

We had a big surprise on reaching the reservoir where a couple of Black-crowned Night-herons were floating on the water like ducks. They soon flushed on our arrival and joined several others on the tree tops. We walked around the reservoir watching an assortment of ducks on the water but finding a Western Wood-pewee, Nashville and MacGillivray Warblers, and our bird of the day, a Black-and-White Warbler on our loop. A Spotted Sandpiper ont he way out took us to 47 species for the day.

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