Saturday, November 7, 2015

NAAS Trip to Picture Canyon

I joined a small group for a NAAS field trip to Picture Canyon on October 3rd. The day began brightly having us sort through many sparrows along the creek yielding Savannah, Lincoln's, Chipping and White-crowned but also an Orange-crowned warbler and my first Cassin's Finch for a while. As expected we ran into many Acorn Woodpeckers at the top of the waterfall and enjoyed a flock of 40 Pinyon Jays and 3 Lewis's Woodpeckers at the far end of the canyon. With the usual suspects on top of these we ended with 27 species.

The following weekend - on Saturday October 10th - I chased and found two Greater White-fronted Geese that Eric had seen at the far end of Walnut Canyon Ponds. (These birds were still around the golf course a month later. So my after tea dash wasn't all that necessary!)

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