Monday, December 28, 2015

Chasing birds in early December

With the year running out I chased some birds in order to reach some of my yearly targets. On Saturday December 5th I headed to a private home in Lake Montezuma and easily added White-throated Sparrow to my year's list. I then hit spots in Cornville and Page Springs hoping for Wood Duck, but had no luck. There had been many records of this species around Flagstaff this fall, but I had no luck finding them anywhere in Arizona this year. (I did get the species in Chicago.)

On Saturday December 12th after picking up my son from the airport we stopped twice on the way home. First at the Tempe Marketplace where I immediately found a Brown Pelican, and then in Avondale where a group of five white geese, including one Ross's Goose, were also easy to find. This got me to my target of 250 species in Arizona for the year.

Brown Pelican with egrets and cormorants
Ross's Goose with two Snow Geese

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