Saturday, February 27, 2016

Martin Luther King Weekend trip to Phoenix and Tucson

After work on Friday January 15th my wife and I drove south to spend the night in Casa Grande. I had gone to Prescott Valley on NAU business and had been caught in a nasty snowstorm on the way back, arriving home safely at about 3 o'clock. The stretch of I-17 between Kelly Canyon Road and the airport was gab and many vehicles were off the road, one upside down in the median. But by 4:30 the storm had passed and we had an uneventful drive south!

On Saturday January 16th we drove across the Santa Cruz Flats to Tucson and made quick stops to add year birds at Madera Canyon, Reid Park and Sweetwater. We ended the day back in Casa Grande.

On Sunday January 17th we headed home stopping first at Kiwani's Park in Tempe hoping for a ?? but only adding Brown-headed Cowbird for the year! And then at Encanto Park where we easily found the target, Rosy-faced Lovebird as well as a female Lesser Scaup.

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