Saturday, February 27, 2016

Out and about

I headed to Snowflake on NAU business on Tuesday January 12th and stopped and the Holbrook Gold Course on the way back, adding an expected Say's Phoebe and a Rock Wren.

On Wednsday January 13th I went to Chino Valley, again on NAU business, and stopped by Willow Lake for just a few minutes adding Lincoln's Sparrow and Western Meadowlark, and then finally finding a Tundra Swan opposite Heritage Park Zoo. This was one of two targets - the other, a Red-shouldered Hawk eluded me.

On Thursday January 14th I had two Birdingpal visitors from the Washington DC area and we chased a few birds for their life lists. A Lewis's Woodpecker at Walnut Canyon National Mounment was a highlight of their trip - I added Sharp-shinned Hawk while there. We then went to Picture Canyon where I added Marsh Wren for the year, and they enjoyed good views of a Townsend's Solitaire.

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