Thursday, September 29, 2016

Moss Landing

On Saturday September 17th my brother and his wife stopped by for a weekend in San Jose and we took them out to the coast. Our first destination was Moss Landing and we stopped first at the wildlife area before crossing to the State Beach. We then headed to Fisherman's Wharf in Monterey before ending the day in Carmel.

Brown Pelican
Harbour Seal
Sea Otters
American Pipit

We saw many of the usual suspects at Moss Landing which included a large group of Semi-palmated Plovers with one Sanderling on the beach, where a fly-by Surfbird was a nice surprise. Monterey yielded a large group of Heerman's Gulls on the rocks. Carmel River Beach was hosting a wedding and so that was a little disappointing but the walk along the coast yielded both Black Turnstones and a Black Oystercatcher.

Elegant Tern
Heerman's Gull
Belted Kingfisher

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