Thursday, September 29, 2016

Labor Day Weekend around San Jose

On  Saturday September 3rd my wife and I went to the Alviso/Chicago Marsh area of the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay Wildlife Refuge. The target birds were a Stilt Sandpiper and a Ruff but we had no luck with these. But we enjoyed seeing the many terns and shorebirds of the area, in particular a couple of Least Terns, a cooperative Greater Yellowlegs and a couple of Common Gallinules.

On Sunday September 4th we went to Moss Landing and made a stop at Zmudowski State Beach. This was a first, encouraged by a number of eBird sightings. It took us a while to find the lagoon but when we did we had a nice selection of gulls, terns and waders including a Semi-palmated Plover and some Sanderlings. We could not resist stopping at Moss Landing itself and saw this spot with the tide in for the first time. The curlews and godwits were present in good numbers in the vegetation and the White-tailed Kite was in its usual tree. the highlight for me was a couple of Red-necked Phalarope at the ocean edge - a new bird for me at this location.

Least Sandpiper

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