Monday, January 1, 2018

My 2017 Birding Year

I ended the year with 535 species which exceeded my initial goal of 400 species and a later one of 500 species that I had given myself once it was clear that I would spend some days in the UK, Malaysia and Australia. I saw 322 in North America missing the optimistic 350 target I had given myself.  I had 230 species in Arizona and 203 in California, ahead of the 225 and 175 I had set for myself. At the county level I saw 164 species in Coconino and 180 in Santa Clara, exceeding the 150 targets for each place. 

I saw 3 lifers in in North America in 2017, Emperor Goose, Red-masked Parakeet and Louisiana Waterthrush, plus an uncertain number in Malaysia. I need to find my Excel file and make a proper determination. Common Crane was a fourth ABA bird.  I added 5 species to my Arizona list with Trumpeter Swan, Brown Thrasher, Red Knot as well as the crane and the waterthrush. And I added 8 species to my Coconino list.
My bird of the year was the Rufous-backed Dwarf Kingfisher that I saw in Ulu Langat, Malaysia. The Snowy Owl and Short-eared Owls seen on a family trip to the Pacific Northwest were my favorites in North America. My year end totals are as follows: 
Life List

ABA List
Arizona List
Coconino County List
Yard List 

My 163 species in Coconino had me in 23rd spot, and my 180 in Santa Clara had me in 25th. But these are a function of the number of people eBirding as much as anything else.

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