Saturday, January 13, 2018

San Jose weekends in late January and early February

I was back in San Jose for the weekends of January 19-21 and February 3-5, but for the most part did not venture far. A Wood Duck in Parkway Lakes on the 20th was a nice surprise, and we chased and found a Lewis's Woodpecker at Chesboro on the same day. A Ross's Goose at the pond on Bailey Avenue was a county bird for me.

On February 3rd I went to a new spot, the Oka Ponds in Los Gatos Creek Park where close-by roosting gulls had been identified the previous day and made me confident that I could find a couple of good species among the regulars. A White-fronted Goose was a bonus there. Alas I did not find the American Dipper further down the creek near downtown Los Gatos,
American Pipit
Bewick's Wren
Song Sparrow
Greater White-fronted Goose

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